Friday, May 21, 2010

two zeroooooooooooooo.

I know recently I've been updating really.really.really short and really really boring. IM SORRY. I HAS been pretty caught up preparing..

This should be quite a trip this time heading down to see you b, and just like every other one, I'm sure it will create new memories that we'll hold onto forever :D Huggsssss. I can't wait to see you!

It's still kinda early but I just thought I'd let you know I'm really thankful to have you in my life.. can't thank God enough for keeping us :D And it's nothing big or special.. but I dedicate this small blog post (as much as it does not suffice) to us :D thank God for every happy,sad,mixed,random,rofl,:(,x) moments we've been through..

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and for those that are yet to come :D

Happy 20th monthsary baby (:


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