Friday, July 2, 2010

you just weren't good enough for you


I know it's been awhile since we've blogged, this is cheez checkin' in here. Right before the great clash between Netherlands and Brazil. Arjen man and his amsterdam lads would be kickin some s75 street brazilian baaahhttt tonaitt.

Anyways, baby and I have been talking lately about updating more consistently.. and we'll work on that despite being rather busy.. baby's gonna have semester finals soon.. I just started working part time being an assistant.. so yeah pretty busy buttt we'll pull this through!

Recently we caught She's Out of My League.. pretty good flick, dam funny but surprisingly meaningful. The show introduces a underlying theory where guys n girls are sort of rated by their hotness, on a scale of 1 to 10, and 10 being global warming and 1 being that product off the shelf that nobody wanted to touch. A lot of times in life we feel that way.. be it with a friend or our other half.. anyways go watch it

brb after the game :P heh. ORANJEEEE

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