So It's 12.44am in the morning, on the 22nd of April ( Thank god class starts at 3.30?), Yesterday we celebrated our 19th Monthsary! 5 more months till we hit the big OH-TWO mark. So, Happy belated monthsary baby! I love you! And, those that im close to, would probably would have known that i have already started school, since Monday. School's been okay. Made new friends , slowly by the passing day. Some looked pretty intimidating at first , some looked anti social , some looked bitchy but You really can't judge a book by it's cover , they're all really nice and i hope that it's a great start to the year?! I need to freaking do well so that universities in aussie will accept me, cos i'd kill to get away from the heat in Singapore. Like i always tell my mom '' I was meant to hold an australian passport '' ;p

Anyways, I'm blogging up a super belated and overdued post which should have been blogged about like early April? It's my birthday post. So , screw this , im old now cos im Eighteen. Haven't gotten many chances to make use of my golden 18 ticket yet. Still waiting for d girls to get theirs so we can all hit the clubs together (LEGALLY )! But am planning to club hop in the awesome clubs over in KL one of these day with the boyfriend and some friends ;) Anyways, turning Eighteen also means, getting my Driving License! Which , i will be redeeming at the end of the year when my parents see my results. Oh boy, am i ever ready to get my results and hit the wheel!
It was a pretty wild and awesome two days! So basically I booked two connecting suites at the Hard Rock Hotel Singapore(which rocks hands down btw ) invited the clique plus really close friends , and their other halves plus alot of booze plus food plus an music plus a private balcony for smoking oh and not forgetting plus Universal studios in the day and two days after and you get an unforgettable 18th birthday~Alot of drinking and drunk action going on so you get some of the pictures. haha

Thank you darlings for making this, eighteen so unforgettable!! Tho, we all got like drunk and whatever, i had loads of fun. I love you all!!!
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