Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The only exception

Im back , just to fill in some words into a mundane blog. So much for promises of more updates now that we're both sharing a blog. I think there are so many solo bloggers out there who blogs way more frequently than we do. But then again, there's nothing much going on it our lives, blogging about it would be equally as mundane. Because we're both so caught up with work, projects and assignments. Life's been terribly routine ish. Rise &Shine , Off to work , Home, shower, dinner, Phone for awhile, sleep. Next day repeat.We hardly have time for each other, what more this blog. But i don't want to be making exueses so i'm squeezing some time to fill up this big white box with words!! Yay.

Well so what 's been going on, baby's busy with school and i'll be seeing him in about 2 weeks time, when he heads down for my birthday :) I've been busy with work. In order to save myself from social suicide, headed out shopping with deborah last sunday. Got home and parents announced that they're buying a third house. Vacation home in M'sia ! Actually they already bought it. wtf right. It's in a resort expat residency area in Nusajaya called Horizon Hills. It has a club house, and even a golf range! Basically it's like a landed housing area with condo facilities + Trekking routes and a 18 hole par 72 Golf course!! SO excite please!!!! hahah I can bring my girls over for like a short vacation and what nots!! And so excite that i have 2 rooms for me to deco now. My other new house at Jurong and vacation home :D Bwahahaha!!

pictures!! ( click to enlarge )

Demo set of the house

Pool at the club house

Map of the entire area. SO BLARDY HUGE PLEASE
My house is at ' The Golf '

Entrance of the horizon

another pool view

Part of the golf course

super hyped about this home, so pretttttty lo :D
credit of pictures to horizonhills.com.my



Jess said...

"I think there are so many solo bloggers out there who blogs way more frequently than we do. "

*waves hysterically*

HAHHAHA and yay for the new house!! :) we can go there n stay for a short mini holidayyyy! :P :P

Cuddlefish said...

Haha cann, we can have out SS gang stayover there. it's not built yet tho. wil only be ready in 2 years time, so hopefully we'll all still be close la k :p omg u read my blog.
hahah i thought our blog,is like reader-less. LOL huggs

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