Gong Hei Fatt Choi!!!
Time passes too fast,just a few weeks back i was at Sentosa counting down to 2010 and now, im blogging on Chinese New Year's Eve! I love it when my entire family gets together ,for 3 days in a row. I love that 're nao' feeling. I love how that these three days, Grandma will b cooking all her signature dishes, from LongTong, Curry Chicken / Mutton , Mee Siam, Ngor Hiang to Cheng teng , popiah , Braised duck , Steamboat and many more. Enough to feed more than 40 over people everyday that will be here for the next 3 days from breakfast to dinner :) Of course i Love how big my family is, because that means more angpow money $.$ haha. But this year..
I Love Love Love how i get to celebrate my Chinese New year with baby. Even tho, not on the main days itself but still love that i get to see you again. Thankyou for that superr long vday dedication on national radio. haha, it was so unexpected but really really sweet. I Loved it and i seriously thought BLG was coming to singapore again (wtf) even after the dedication, i didnt realise that it was an alibi to get me to tune in. HAHA. (Was stil anticipating the BLG songs to be played so i could win tickets , when they 'come again' -.- ) Really am blur.
But enough of vdays and CNYs. I know i have yet to continue my posts on my trip to Europe. So today i'll be posting up some pictures from my trip up to the Highest Mountain in Switzerland. Mount Jungfraujoch. I've already said alot , so i'll let the pictures do the talking, with a few captions :)

Couldn't take it, as it was a 24/7 snowstorm up there
snow flying into my eyes and mouth!! Wind was at about 18km/h

and had ice cream designed in the swiss flag! So cute! i had to take a shot!
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