So, Europe is just plain amazing. what more can I say? I'm currently suffering from post Europe blues. I've been there for so many days but i never once felt home sick. Well, basically i went to four countries. Shanghai,France,Switzerland and Germany. Spent most of the days in Switzerland and going around to it's different cantons (States). But i'll get to that in the next post. Today will just be Pictures and Paris. I was just in Shanghai for a 8Hour transit. Plane to France was 12 hours long. It was excruciating! But, that aside. I think Food on board is pretty yummy. Yoshinoya can't even compare!

Shanghai was about 7Degrees cold. I could so get used to low temperatures! There was nothing much there tho. All winter jackets and coats. And people selling non authentic LV purses for 100RenMingBi,which is really cheap actually! ahah. But it's fake so mom didn't buy because, if you didn't know. If you get caught with a fake bag/wallet in Europe. You actually get Fined pretty badly!

and everyone following the exercise shown on screen.

From the trains to the Shopping Malls and even to the Toilet!
So cute, seeing the different kinds of dogs while shopping! xD

Eiffel Tower, took the Seine River Tour.

If you look carefully, you'll see flags. There was actually a protest going on.
Next up was our favourite. SHOPPINGGGGG TIME.

And i got myself a Longchamp bag !!While Venetta got herself Swarovski
necklaces. Bought baby & Family & my girls christmas presents together with Majorr shopping at H&M!

Felt so good wei. hahah. anyways. Bought many other things la, but too lazy to type.
Like, Boots for $170 and trenchcoat for like $200. Of which im gona use for our London trip next year. Baby's present cost me a bomb too. But not saying what it is till christmas (:
Oh, we spent like $59 Euros on Macdonalds. THATS LIKE $120 SGD!!! wtfishh. (Doh not acting rich, just miscalculation of conversion rate and giving a rough amount -.- Even if its not 200 ,$120 for MACs is still MAD INSANE OK. Hello we wanted to eat something cheap so we went to MACs, only to find that it was that expensive. -.- not flaunting wealth -.-)
$120 for MACs is INSANE. lool and you even have to pay if you want sauces!
That's pretty much all for France,Paris! Shopping & Sightseeing. Amazing place.
Except that, French people are pretty stuck up =/ Or maybe it's just me. haha
Didn't stay too long in paris. Expect more pictures from Switzerland! Trust me,
it's a beautiful beautiful place. And the people are really nice :) Post sooon! So stay Tune!
Am trying out Echo, if it's good i might actually buy it for a year :D
hey nice blog, im a friend of Estelle , dropped by from her blog. :) Happy CNYs in advance!
hello sis.
Hey gurl! having holiday now? enjoy urself! Happy CNY to u in advance (:
hey! yeap CNYs holiday! Happy CNY to you too! =)
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