Our FIRST stop. The very beautiful town of Lausanne!
We headed to the Olympic Museum. There was also, of course a very magnificient view of the Mountains and sea.

And we took the opportunity for some camwhoring moments of course!

Next stop, we headed to the beautiful towns of Vevey and Montreux!
Where we visited the Famous statue of Charlie Chaplin in Vevey, as he lived there once before.
Omg do you know, he married two 16 Year old girls? His third was was 18 and he was 50+!
And we also visited the beautiful historical medieval fortress, The Chilion Castle at Montreux!

Oh! And in Switzerland, every town has a lake/ Sea. And there are ALWAYS wild swans and ducks! Adorable!

Isn't Switzerland beautiful?
A three legged chair, placed outside the UN headquarters based in Geneve
is a reminder to the Big Three (China,Usa,Britian) to sign a contract that many countries
have signed, which is to prevent total usage of landmines.Because it has killed and made
alot of people disabled. The chair will remain there outside the UN,until the Big three has signed the contract.

Sorry today's post was pretty lengthy. I've tried my best to shorten it already.
Anyways, now do you agree with me that Europe is lovely? (: haha, well there's gona be part ( iii) and hopefully i'll be updating it tomorrow (: Stay tune!
Where we visited the Famous statue of Charlie Chaplin in Vevey, as he lived there once before.
Omg do you know, he married two 16 Year old girls? His third was was 18 and he was 50+!
And we also visited the beautiful historical medieval fortress, The Chilion Castle at Montreux!

And now, Finally our Last stop for the day. The City of Geneve!
See the train tracks on the street?
Those are for the trams! So cute, because it's so vintage! I like xD

Those are for the trams! So cute, because it's so vintage! I like xD

is a reminder to the Big Three (China,Usa,Britian) to sign a contract that many countries
have signed, which is to prevent total usage of landmines.Because it has killed and made
alot of people disabled. The chair will remain there outside the UN,until the Big three has signed the contract.

Sorry today's post was pretty lengthy. I've tried my best to shorten it already.
Anyways, now do you agree with me that Europe is lovely? (: haha, well there's gona be part ( iii) and hopefully i'll be updating it tomorrow (: Stay tune!
1 comment:
Europe is beautiful
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